Friday, October 29, 2010


This house

surrounded by cotton fields

sits by the side of Highway 51, the road I (and many others) take "going to town" as we country folk say when we, well, ...go to town.
A favorite little poem of my late father's came to mind:
The House by the Side of the Road
by Sam Walter

Let me live in my house by the side of the road,

Where the race of men go by -

They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong,

Wise, foolish - so am I.

Then why should I sit in th scorner's seat,

Or hurl the cynic's ban?

Let me live in my house by the side of the road,

And be a friend to man.

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Because we live 25 miles from the nearest town/city, we cannot get cable tv, so we have Directv.
IF we lived in town, we would also have local channels...even with Directv...and even with the crazy digital "stuff" that makes converter boxes, etc. necessary for television viewing for many folks.
Not even converter boxes worked with us.
Well, last year, we decided to get Directv's Game Plan just for the sake of watching Auburn football games. But alas...we were not able to watch a single AU football game if it was aired on local TV because local TV or maybe Game Plan didn't allow it. For Heaven's Sake....the local games were what we wanted to watch! We could get all of the others on ESPN....aarghh!
Once ordered, Game Plan could not be UN-ordered......we did not read the fine print:(...
so we got nothing for our money!
This past Saturday morning, Hubby decided we were going to Radio Shack and get that we could watch the Auburn/LSU game.

This is what we came home with.

The size of the box should have been our first clue.....

Hubby wanted to put it together inside before he tried to put it in the attic or on the roof. He wanted to be sure it would work....and he wanted to make sure of this in time for THE game at 2:30 P.M.

Too bad I didn't think to take pictures of the assembling....and the facial expressions and exclamations as the thing grew....and grew.....and grew....

Hubby got to watch THE game...UNDER his antennae...
In fact, he wanted to invite others to come sit under the antennae and watch the game .:)

There's no way this antennae's going out the doors or up the stairs without taking it apart.
I'm afraid I' m stuck with this piece of modern folk art until football season is over...Hubby even mentioned that we could forego a Christmas tree and just decorate this:(

The table the sculpture is now sitting on used to be fact, we ate supper here the night before.

The tripod it sits upon once held a small satellite dish.

All for the sake of football....

Have a lovely day!

P.S. I surely am handling this well, aren't I .... It's a little frightening how calm I've been ..... It must be the 33 years I've been married to this man....I'm finally learning to...what?...Love him in spite of himself?...Be thankful we have a large room?

I DID enjoy watching the game:)